Episode 18

The Metcalfe Charity Classic - Adapting To Change For Much Needed Fundraising


August 31st, 2021

23 mins 18 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Covid 19 through a wrench into so many aspects of our lives for the past two years. Closer to home for those of us in the golf industry is despite how the industry has thrived somewhat for the past two golf season, charity golf has been an area that has struggled because of all the restriction surrounding gatherings and clubhouse socialization. Charity and golf go hand in hand and without golf courses being able to host charity tournaments many charities have simply been unable to raise the same funds they have in the past.

Rob Howell, General Manager from the Metcalfe Golf Course has seen his fair share of events not happen over the past two seasons but one event that has gone on in some capacity has been the Metcalfe Charity Classic. Rob jumps in with us this Episode to talk about the event and how they have managed to adapt to ensure that their supporter Charity has continued to be supported by the community.

Of course, after a bit of time since our last 613 Golfer Podcast I am sure many are eager to learn a little game improvement and Kevin Haime is back to oblige...Have a watch or enjoy a listen.

music by https://www.bensound.com